Press & News
April 22nd-May 2nd, 2015
Opening reception with live performances: Wednesday April 22nd, 6-8pm
chashama Gallery 461
461 West 126th Street, New York, NY 10027
From April 22 through May 2, chashama Gallery 461 will host an exhibition of the photographic work by Gisella Sorrentino. The exhibition will present selected images produced by Ms. Sorrentino for her ongoing series, Bodies in Space, which conflates the physical movements of her subjects with the environments that surround them.
Ms. Sorrentino has a unique style by which the ‘body’ and the ‘space’ are equally her subject: their separate textures combining through her artfully unpremeditated double exposures. The result is a dynamic tension of various opposites ranging from nature- urban and body–mind to inner self–outside world.
November, 2014
Interview of artist Gisella Sorrentino on polish magazine dedicated on Italian culture "La Rivista".
AS | ORchard
AS | ARTISTS STUDIOS at 33 Orchard
July 31st-August 16th , 2014
Opening Reception: July 31st 6-8pm
Directed by Jill Conner
Artists in "AS | Orchard" :
Ilona Anderson, LaThoriel Badenhausen, Gretchen Bennett, Serena Bocchino, RobRoy Chalmers, Colin Chase, Vicki DaSilva, Jane Dell, Melissa Eder, Anne Ferrer, Aimee Hertog, Joanne Howard, Pavel Kraus, Patricia Lay, Chrissy Lush, Bridget O’Rourke, Mary Pinto, Richard Pitts, Holly Knox Rhame, Eleanor Schimmel, Gisella Sorrentino, Lisa Sylvester, John Tomlinson, Wilson Trouvé, Sébastien Vonier, Annemarie Waugh, Joyce Ellen Weinstein, Margaret Withers, Rachael Wren, Nola Zirin.
Sep 7-28, 2014
Opening reception with live performances: Sunday, Sep 7, 6-8 pm
Artists: Barbara Fragogna, Vanella Longo, Gisella Sorrentino, Fabiana Yvonne Lugli, Maximilian Balduzzi.
An artist-run nonprofit venue, NOoSPHERE Arts is a collaborative platform dedicated to art from elsewhere. As a tribute to our greatest patron, Sicilian-born Tony Argento of Broadway Stages, Brooklyn, we are pleased to inaugurate this brand new gallery season with a show of Italian artists who have also made New York their oyster.
Spanning several media, the Nuovi Yorkers exhibit unites five Italian New Yorkers who all use the human body as their principal vehicle of expression.
A photographer trained in modern dance, Gisella Sorrentino utilizes the process of double-exposure and combines performance with static backgrounds that merge her subjects with textures such as asphalt, cobble stones, sand and ocean water.
HE, la fragilità della mascolinità
La Voce di NY April 5th 2014
di Maurita Cardone
In un gioco di sovrapposizioni e doppie esposizioni, le immagini in mostra ritraggono corpi abbandonati alle emozioni più interiori.
Le immagini della mostra HE, della fotografa Gisella Sorrentino, raccontano la fragilità dell'uomo, attraverso un gioco di sovrapposizioni e doppie esposizioni. I ballerini ritratti nelle fotografie sono stati invitati a rilasciare i propri corpi e ad abbandonarsi alle proprie emozioni più interiori. Nella serie Arturo (2011), il ballerino improvvisa sui sentimenti di oppressione e di soffocamento. In Collin e Nicola (2013), circondati da fiori, i ballerini si arrendono alla provocazione sensuale della natura. Nelle foto, la loro vulnerabilità diventa spazio metaforico in cui abbiamo bisogno di perderci per ritrovare noi stessi.
DoamagkAteliers, Munich, Germany
June 5th-10 , 2014
Opening Reception: June 5th 5-8pm
Exhibition curated by Pamela Cento
Collaboration: Alessandra Carbone/Gaze Photography
Posthuman Conference in Rome
Wednesday September 14th at 7pm
Presentation of Selected Artists:
Gisella Sorrentino: Bodies in Space
Patrick Millard: Formatting Gaia
Angelo Marino: The Real Key to Virtuality
Moderator: Francesca Ferrando
Universita` di Roma Tre, Facolta` di Lettere e Filosofia
Aula Valerio Verra
Via Ostiense 234
00146 Roma
Expression Magazine-March 6th, 2013
By Roberta Bezzi
Vive a New York dal 2006 la 34 enne Gisella Sorrentino, instancabile sperimentatrice, che non pone alcun limite alla meraviglia che la fotografia esercita sul suo animo curioso, visionario, ma anche molto rigoroso. La danza è nel suo Dna, al pari della passione per gli scatti in movimento.
Dopo gli studi all’International Center ,of Photography di New York e alla Scuola Romana di Fotografia, espone la sua prima personale, “Pittura in movimento” un reportage sull’interazione tra musica, danza e pittura. Più di recente, i suoi Self Portraits and Bodies in Space sono stati apprezzati in diverse mostre collettive negli Stati Uniti e in Europa.
Bodies in space at wix lounge
ARTE FUSE January 13th 2014 brings together two of its talented users, photographer Gisella Sorrentino and dancer Collin Ranf, through a special collaborative event. To kick off Sorrentino’s month-long exhibit at Wix Lounge, Ranf, who posed for two of the photographs on display, will bring Sorrentino’s work to life through choreography.
A photographer based in New York City, Sorrentino is originally from Rome, Italy. She utilizes the process of double-exposure and combines performance with static backgrounds that merge subjects with textures such as asphalt, cobble stones, sand and ocean water. In each piece the artist evokes nostalgia and ambiance, playing upon the desire of place rather than presenting its actuality. Since 2006 Gisella Sorrentino has exhibited her photographs in exhibitions that took place in Europe and along the East Coast. Her work has been exhibited La Mama La Galleria in the Bowery, the La Casa Internazionale delle Donne in Rome, NOoSphere Arts, and several other prestigious galleries and projects.
Text by Jill Conner
Gisella Sorrentino is a photographer based in New York City, originally from Rome, Italy. Sorrentino utilizes the process of double-exposure and combines performance with static backgrounds that merge subjects with textures such as asphalt, cobble stones, sand and ocean water. In each piece the artist evokes nostalgia and ambiance, playing upon the desire of place rather than presenting its actuality.
After relocating to New York City, Sorrentino began exploring the aesthetic layers of the photograph as a metaphor for the diversified lifestyles that populate this urban city center. Fusion and separateness appear throughout a series titled Bodies in Space that was started in 2009.
"The body dialogues with the word around it through the language of the movement"
Interview of Photographer Gisella Sorrentino by Nancy Flagg
November 21st, 2012
Bodies don’t just move in the space around them in a sterile vacuum. Instead, they respond and react to their environment in a symbiotic relationship. Capturing the essence of this interchange is what inspires Gisella Sorrentino’s photography.
BODIES in space
A Photographic Exhibition by Gisella Sorrentino
Text by Alessandra Carbone
Gisella Sorrentino nel suo lavoro è un' instancabile sperimentatrice, che non pone alcun limite alla meraviglia che la fotografia esercita sul suo animo curioso, visionario, ma anche molto rigoroso.
Le opere selezionate per questa occasione rispecchiano quindi una specifica fase della sua ricerca, una fase, questa, saldamente improntata al reale, sia dal punto di vista tecnico (l'uso dell'analogico e della luce naturale) che da quello del tema delle sue foto (la fisicità del corpo umano e quella dell'ambiente circostante).
Gli scatti di Bodies in Space, ci spiega la stessa fotografa, nascono proprio dall'incontro e dall' interazione spontanea di due elementi principali: il corpo e lo spazio emotivo del danzatore, e lo spazio fisico in cui il performer è immerso, e che a sua volta ne ispira il movimento.
Behind the scene: The dance Photographers
The project of a young Italian photographer in New York
by Roberta Bezzi
She’s Italian but she lives in New York, the young photographer originally from Genoa Gisella Sorrentino (32 years old), studied at the International Center of Photography in New York and at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia. “Having studied dance since I was young”-she explains- “it was very natural to start to document dancers and performers on and off the stage. Through this ‘physical’ experience, the movement and the rhythm became a language to express my self in photography”.
Lately, she has been working on a photo project about modern dance in New York and she shot at the Peridance Capezio Center, well known as the base of the Limon School, directed by Alan Danielson. She shot the dancers during the classes, emphasizing the musicality and the rhythm instead of the shape of the movement. The photos are taken together with environmental portraits of prominent teachers and choreographers in the school.
(Translated from Italian)
La New York Di Gisella
Oggi 7 Magazine
Sorrentino is one of the many artists who have chosen Manhattan as an inspiration place.
Dance and darkroom to say “good bye” to biology studies.
by Silvia Forni
(Original Text in Italian)
“I’m a reflection photographing other reflection within reflection”. The American photographer Duane Michals’ words reflect the work of roman artist Gisella Sorrentino, who has been in Unites States for about three years and whose work is based mostly on self-portrait.
Sorrentino starts to explore photography at the age of 18. She was raised in an artist family. After she had graduated from biology studies, she took a photography diploma at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia in 2006. F